Oilfield Water Treatment Solutions
Water treatment is an integral part of oil and gas production. Ovivo develops and implements innovative solutions that meet the unique challenges of water and wastewater treatment for this rapidly evolving industry that operates in the harshest of environments.
See Our Technology SolutionsWater & wastewater treatment in tough and demanding environments
At Ovivo, we understand the demanding nature of the oil and gas industry, which operates in tough environments with a critical need to maximize uptime with minimum intervention. Ovivo has been a trusted partner in the oil and gas industry for over a century and we pride ourselves in supplying reliable products and services to many of the world’s oil majors, contractors and operators. Whether located on an offshore platform, Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), or an onshore refinery, our engineering teams will find the ideal processes, technologies and products to address all your specific project needs.
A vast range of water solutions and services
Ovivo’s partners benefit from complete solutions, which can involve pre-engineered or custom designs. Our innovative and robust technology is additionally focused on minimising operating costs and environmental impacts. Ovivo’s dedicated workforce is always available to support the needs of our partners, from our engineering teams, with their decades of experience and technical knowledge, to our support staff, unrivalled in project management. Together our teams will take your project from pre-concept stage to EPC delivery, including extensions, upgrades and servicing needs. Our solutions include:
· Seawater filtration
· Fresh water makers and ancillaries, including disinfection systems
· Process water makers for crude oil desalting and other applications
· Demineralised water for turbine flushing and NOx control
· Raw Water Intake screens
· Desalination
· Demineralisation packages
· Condensate polishing packages
· Heat Exchanger/Condenser Optimisation
· Difficult to treat process and oily wastewater
· Produced water treatment
· Cooling tower treatment
· Deployable mobile water treatment