Sludge Thickening & Dewatering Solutions
Optimal dewatering and sludge thickening solutions can substantially reduce disposal and sludge operations and management costs. Ovivo has developed a range of comprehensive solutions that can meet your specific needs.
See Related Products & TechnologiesTurning sludge thin into a business win
Wastewater treatment facilities are producing sludge at rapidly increasing rates and sludge disposal options are becoming increasingly limited. As a result, sludge operations and management (O&M) costs have risen sharply in recent years.
Whether your sludge is liquid hauled, disposed at a landfill, or land applied, Ovivo’s improved dewatering and sludge thickening solutions can help to reduce O&M expenditures related to sludge disposal.
Ovivo’s vast experience in treating sludge from all types of municipal and industrial wastewater systems, in combination with our sludge thickening and dewatering solutions can optimise sludge management and plant operations. Ovivo can assess plant needs based on sludge output, characteristics, and provide customised solutions to minimise the cost of sludge disposal.
Our sludge thickening and dewatering solutions have the following features and benefits:
- Optimal performance of sludge volume reduction to minimise disposal costs
- Reduced O&M related to thickening
- Equipment that is simple, robust, and easy to operate