Anaerobic sludge mixers
Ovivo offers several systems for anaerobic sludge mixing, including the innovative LM™ Mixer (Linear Motion) and the EIMIX® Sludge Mixer (Draft Tube). They can be used in existing and new anaerobic digesters, and can be customised to suit specific tank designs and applications
Our low energy mixers ensure thorough and complete mixing, through uniform temperature, solids distribution, and microorganism contact with the incoming sludge. They are highly efficient and require minimal maintenance, making them a cost-effective choice.
Contact an ExpertBiosolids management and anaerobic digestion are key processes in the effective treatment of wastewater at a treatment plant. Digester mixing plays a key role in maintaining an active digester volume and preventing operational upsets that can result in costly downtime and unpleasant odours.
Our popular LM Mixer, which is a linear motion mixer, is highly efficient and has a ragless design for low-cost maintenance. It efficiently mixes various municipal sludge types in anaerobic digestion applications, while using significantly less energy than conventional mixers. Our EIMIX Sludge Mixer, which is a draft tube (or DT) mixer, offers a range of configuration options and features ragless propellers for improved uptime and easy operation. Both mixers are suitable for installation in new or existing tanks and can handle the mixing of viscous fats, oils, and greases (FOGs).
LM Mixer
The LM Mixer achieves a unique and efficient mixing pattern throughout the tank while keeping energy requirements at a fraction of the cost of traditional mixers. Greater than 90 percent active volume mixing is achieved and has been validated through third party LiCl testing for various projects.
Other key features and benefits include:
- Lower capital and installation costs than conventional mixers
- Installation of a single mixer can be completed in a day or less
- No additional piping or core drilling required
EIMIX Sludge Mixer
Ovivo’s Eimix Mixers offer a variety of configuration options, guaranteed to meet any digester mixing requirement. The reversible operation enables pumping with equivalent capacity in both directions, maximising system flexibility by altering mixing dynamics.
Other features and benefits include:
- De-gassing or dewatering the digester for maintenance is not required with our removable mixers
- Heat exchanger jacket compatibility for uniform heating
- Internal roof mounted (RDT) or external mounted (EDT) draft tube design
- Compatible for installation on existing or new, primary or secondary digesters
- One or more units can be installed across a tank to suit specific mixing needs

LM Mixer
Unlike traditional mixer systems, the LM Mixer is unique in that it produces isotropic (uniform) mixing due to the combined effect of oscillating velocity coupled with pulsating pressure waves. This motion is created by the controlled up and down movement of a ring-shaped hydro-disk (inside the tank) driven by an innovative cam-scotch-yoke operating system (above the tank). This concurrent action couples the oscillating pressure wave and velocity to enhance mass transfer and produce a uniform mixture of the tank’s contents. Plants with a well-mixed digester experience many performance and operational benefits and will achieve a higher degree of volatile solids reduction (VSR) and biogas production. Furthermore, the use of our hydro-disk prevents the build-up of rags and associated failures found in conventional systems.

EIMIX Sludge Mixer
The Eimix sludge mixer is a mechanical mixing device that uses draft tubes to mix sludge in an anaerobic digestion tank. It has axial flow propellers that can be rotated in either direction, allowing for flexible mixing dynamics in the digester. The propellers are symmetrical about both axes, allowing the mixer to pump sludge in either direction. The reversible flow allows for adjustments to be made to the mixing dynamics of the digester, ensuring thorough mixing of the sludge and optimal conditions for the microorganisms involved in the digestion process.