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Ovivo Signs an Exclusive Licensing Arrangement with DC Water for their Patented Post-aerobic Digestion Process – DigestivorePAD™
Press Release Montreal, Canada, September 22, 2016
Ovivo Inc. (“Ovivo”), a global provider of water treatment equipment, technology and systems, is pleased to announce the signing of an exclusive licensing arrangement with the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority (“DC Water”) for their patented post-aerobic digestion process. Marketed under the brand name DigestivorePAD™, this revolutionary approach to solids management places an aerobic digester after an anaerobic digester, providing increased volatile solids destruction, enhanced nitrogen and phosphorus removal as well as improved dewatering, leading to significant operational savings. The DigestivorePAD technology will leverage DC Water’s years of collaborative research and open innovation on this proprietary concept as well as Ovivo’s decades of experience with sludge stabilization at high solids concentrations using both anaerobic and aerobic digestion.
The post-aerobic digestion process will be featured at Ovivo’s workshop (Utilities of the Future – Biosolids Management) taking place on Sunday September 25th at 5:30 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency New Orleans, during the Water Environment Federation’s Annual Technical Exhibition and Conference (“WEFTEC”). WEFTEC attendees are also encouraged to stop by Ovivo’s booth #2729 to discuss the DigestivorePAD process in more details.
About Ovivo Inc.
Ovivo is a global provider of equipment, technology and systems producing among the purest water and treating some of the most challenging wastewater in the industry. Ovivo is a powerful global brand with renowned trademarks, possessing more than 150 years of expertise and references in water treatment, supported by its proprietary products, advanced technologies and extensive system integration knowhow. Ovivo delivers conventional to highly technological water treatment solutions for the industrial and municipal markets, and leverages its large installed base of equipment around the world to offer parts and services to its customers. Ovivo is dedicated to innovation in an industry that is in constant evolution and offers water treatment solutions that are cost-effective, energy-efficient and environmentally sustainable.
Ovivo is owned by SKion Water International GmbH and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec. It operates an integrated global platform in over 15 countries, with 800 employees that are worldwide experts in water treatment. For more information, visit our website at www.ovivowater.com
Marc Barbeau
President and Chief Executive Officer
Tel: + 1 514 284‐4238
Pierre-Marc Sarrazin
Vice President, Corporate Finance and Treasury
Tel.: 514 284-7208
Elena Bailey
Director, Business Development North America
Tel: + 1- 512-834-6003